Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Last night in America...

It has been much too long since I've last blogged. But I don't have time now to catch you up on how AMAZING this summer was! I got to meet tons of amazing people through being a Roadie for Invisible Children, and go on the biggest road trip for a great cause that I will probably ever be blessed to be a part of. Then I got to spend the remaining part of summer with my family and closest friends. I couldn't have asked for a better send off to Mozambique!

If you are reading this right now you probably already know that I have joined the Peace Corps. Yup, after a year of not knowing the news of the year came, I was offered the opportunity to serve in Southern Africa, which is where I wanted to go. The Peace Corps invited me to serve in Mozambique as a Community Health Promoter for the next two years. I was so excited! And I am more so now, as I sit in my hotel room in Philly after our day of Staging. There are 65 of us volunteers who sat in a room all day today, learning about one another, the Peace Corps and our soon to be new home. Everyone I have met so far is so wonderful, and I have no doubt now that I will make incredible friends among these other volunteers very quickly.

It is around 10pm here, eastern time, and we are checking out in the lobby at 2:30AM!! =/ Ah!! lol yes and then all 65 of us are getting into 2 buses to head to JFK and we leave there Sept 30th in the morning. From there we have a 15 hour flight to South Africa (hopefully a good get to know one another time), and then only an hour flight to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. It's gonna be a long night/day! We arrive in Mozambique October 1st! =)

And for now, that is that! =) I will write when I can. I do not know yet how often I will have Internet access. What I DO know is that for the first 3 months, during Pre-Service Training all 65 of us will be together in a city about an hour from the capital, and if you would like to EVER send some love <3>

Amanda James, PCT
Peace Corps C.P. 4398
Maputo, Mozambique

This is my last night in America for who knows how long! Crazy! So for now...goodbye...talk to you again from Mozambique!!! =)

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